Friends of Rickling School

Rickling Primary School PTA


About the PTA

About the PTA

The Friends of Rickling School is a voluntary association of parents and teachers setup to support the school and the pupils and provide a link between parents and staff. 

The Parents Teacher Association (PTA)

The Friends of Rickling School raise funds for equipment, learning resources, school trips and activities. Popular events run by the PTA include the Christmas Fayre, Christmas entertainment, Summer Fete, discos and cake stalls and not least the very well attended Quendon and Rickling Fun Run.

We have a committee that meeting regularly and the meetings will be advertised here and on our Facebook page.  All are welcome to attend.

We also welcome volunteers to help with the setup and running of events.  Please contact us to let us know if you are willing and able to help.


Donate whilst you shop- as well as direct donations you can provide financial support when you shop by signing up to

The way it works - you want to buy something from one of many online retailers, go to the easyfunding site, find the retailer and purchase your product.  After you buy, the retailer gives you a cash reward that you can turn into a donation which easyfunding will collect and send on at no extra cost - it's a great way to make a free donation.

Company Matched Funding - This is a straightforward concept whereby Companies or Businesses pledge to charity an amount of money that an employee donates or fundraises for us.  This money can be raised by either a parent or family member simply manning a stall at the Christmas Fayre or Summer Fete.  Many organisations offer matched funding as part of their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programme and include all sectors including Banks, Supermarkets, Insurance, Utility and many more.  For a list of companies please see the link List of Matched Funding Companies (the list may change at any time and we are unable to confirm if a company operates the scheme or not.  If you think your employer has a scheme in operation, then please inform the PTA.  It can really give our fundraising a boost.

How the funds are used

Funds raised by the PTA are intended to provide 'extras' not already provided by the schools main income - often 'fun things' that make learning more interesting and exciting.

The PTA committee and Head Teacher decide how to spend the raised funds.  Common items include computers, playground equipment and smaller purchases such as presents for Father Christmas to distribute.

Our Members

Chairperson - Carey Farrell
Secretary - Kate Foggerty
Treasurer - Charlotte Farrell

Sarah Dickson

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